Jasmine Dugger-Howell
Hello all, I am Jasmine Dugger-Howell. I am A Baltimore native. I started my personal steaming journey in 2019.
I truly enjoyed the benefits of steaming.
My young adult life doctors would tell me that I was prone to yeast infections /bacterial infections and abnormal paps. I knew that none of this could possibly be true. As I got more consistent with steaming I started to see that I was no longer having yeast infections or bacterial infections.
I decided to open up my practice to share the truth about our wombs and womb healing. I was lied to a lot by medical professionals so I knew that others were being lied to as well.
A lot of women say they are afraid to steam because they don’t want to get pregnant. Steaming can help with fertility but you can also control not getting pregnant while steaming as well.
I steamed consistently until I got pregnant with my daughter in 2021. I knew instantly that I wanted a natural pregnancy and birth. I knew that I could no longer steam so I had to find other ways to release while pregnant.
I practiced acupuncture, chiropractic services, Reiki healing, sound-bowl therapy and talk therapy. My husband and I decided on having a home birth. I trusted my body because I had already done so much womb work. I knew that my body could deliver our daughter naturally and unmedicated.
On April 3rd we gave birth to Peace at home. With no help! Our midwife was home and our doula was down stairs in our home. We gave birth in our bedroom and my husband caught her.
While out on leave I had the desire to steam. So I created a postpartum mix that helps women heal but also to relax them. I chose to breastfeed our daughter and that can be a stressful journey in itself so returning back to steaming has been very helpful for me.
I now understand how powerful and magical my body is. It did what it was suppose to do. My body deserves to be treated and pampered.